
Star Wars Cereal : Breakfast Review

 Normally this blog reviews comics and graphic novels, but this morning is a chance to check out something else: the Star Wars special edition breakfast cereal.

I picked up a box of this at my local Fred Meyer. I first noticed the seriously bad-ass Yoda in the cereal aisle. Then my eyes dropped to the sale sticker: $2.50, and I had to try a box.

From the box label, I imagined the cereal was a Star Wars-version of Lucky Charms, except with Forcefully tasty Lightsabers and marshmallow-y good R2-D2s.  I was unperturbed by the banner that promised "First Ingredient Whole Grain."  Marshmallows, right? So that was a plus.

Next, I scanned for the words "Free Prize Inside!" but I was sorely disappointed. Apparently the two big Gs (General Mills and George Lucas) don't give anything away for free any more.  I also noticed the "Disney" signature in the upper right of the box.  Could this be the pop-culture singularity? Only if it also had Spider-man....

I checked out, ran home with my box, and tore it open.  The cereal itself was surprising. It was more like a non-sugary version of Captain Crunch.  In fact, it reminded me most of a health-food cereal: Barbara's Puffins, except with less crunch.  The shapes are apparently a TIE fighter, a rounded AT-AT, and what I hope is the outline of an X-Wing fighter.
Serving Suggestion

While I munched my breakfast (serving suggestion) I did the Star Wars quiz on the back of the box. I scored 14 out of 15, achieving the rank of Jedi Master.

I had one bowl, and it satisfied me nearly as long as the knock-off Cheerios that I normally have for brekkers.

Bottom line: Marshmallows = excellent. Cereal wasn't bad.  Fun quiz on the back. Bad-ass Yoda a plus.  I might buy the Darth Vader box next time.


2009: The Year in Comics

What did I read in 2009?

Read "The Art of Osamu Tezuka: God of Manga". This book is fantastic.

Got "Golden Age Marvel Comics Omnibus Vol. 1" for my birthday. Beautiful! First issues Marvel Comics from Timely. Has the origin of the Human Torch, Namor and other early Timely Comics before they became Marvel Comics.

Read "Supermen!: The First Wave of Comic-Book Heroes 1939-1941". Before superheroes were deconstructed, there were these guys: the Flame, Rex Dexter of Mars, The Comet, and Fletcher Hank's inimitable Stardust.

Speaking of Fletcher Hanks, also read "You Shall Die by Your Own Evil Creation!". Hanks has an awkward style that grows on you. The stories are fantastic, almost surreal.

Elsewhere on my blog I have a review of "The Beats: A Graphic History."

Also a review of the graphic novel Asterios Polyp

If you have never read The Incal Noir by Mobeius and Alexandro Jodorowsky, I urge you to get it. This odd sci-fi epic may remind you of "The Fifth Element," except for a couple things: the comic came first, the conclusion is so much more satisfying, and there's no Bruce Willis or Christ Tucker. Pure genius!

Go ahead, read "A History Of Violence". This is the book that the movie is based on. Cripes it's gripping! Art is sketchy, but effective. Totally engrossing.

Fleep is described as "a complex and subtle yarn about a young man trapped in a phone booth." It's a short comic of mystery, self-discovery and redemption. Drawn by Jason Shiga, author of The Bookhunter. Shiga consistently tries to take storytelling in comics to the next level, and this work doesn't disappoint.

Elsewhere I also reviewed "Inifinite Typewriters" and "Bayou"

The comic book novels "Soon I Will be Invincible" explores superheroes and villains in a "realistic" world. Funny!
The collection of Wednesday comics. It was interesting to see other artists try the classic DC superheroes. Nice, also, to see something in the format of the Sunday Comics, except worth the newsprint space. I liked the Metamorpho facts section.

I also read: