
Star Wars Cereal : Breakfast Review

 Normally this blog reviews comics and graphic novels, but this morning is a chance to check out something else: the Star Wars special edition breakfast cereal.

I picked up a box of this at my local Fred Meyer. I first noticed the seriously bad-ass Yoda in the cereal aisle. Then my eyes dropped to the sale sticker: $2.50, and I had to try a box.

From the box label, I imagined the cereal was a Star Wars-version of Lucky Charms, except with Forcefully tasty Lightsabers and marshmallow-y good R2-D2s.  I was unperturbed by the banner that promised "First Ingredient Whole Grain."  Marshmallows, right? So that was a plus.

Next, I scanned for the words "Free Prize Inside!" but I was sorely disappointed. Apparently the two big Gs (General Mills and George Lucas) don't give anything away for free any more.  I also noticed the "Disney" signature in the upper right of the box.  Could this be the pop-culture singularity? Only if it also had Spider-man....

I checked out, ran home with my box, and tore it open.  The cereal itself was surprising. It was more like a non-sugary version of Captain Crunch.  In fact, it reminded me most of a health-food cereal: Barbara's Puffins, except with less crunch.  The shapes are apparently a TIE fighter, a rounded AT-AT, and what I hope is the outline of an X-Wing fighter.
Serving Suggestion

While I munched my breakfast (serving suggestion) I did the Star Wars quiz on the back of the box. I scored 14 out of 15, achieving the rank of Jedi Master.

I had one bowl, and it satisfied me nearly as long as the knock-off Cheerios that I normally have for brekkers.

Bottom line: Marshmallows = excellent. Cereal wasn't bad.  Fun quiz on the back. Bad-ass Yoda a plus.  I might buy the Darth Vader box next time.

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